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18 Prerogative of Crown and general conservancy powers of Admiralty.U.K.

Nothing in this Act shall affect—

(1)Any estate, right, title, interest, prerogative, royalty, jurisdiction, or authority of or belonging to Her Majesty the Queen, in right of her Crown, or of her office of Admiral, or otherwise:

(2)Any right, duty, power, jurisdiction, or authority vested in or performed or exercised by, or capable of being performed or exercised by, the Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom, or the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, otherwise than under or by virtue of the several Acts and parts of Acts herein-before expressly mentioned or referred to.

19 Acts done, contracts and appointments made, proceedings pending, &c. under provisions of former Acts not to be prejudicially affected.U.K.

Nothing in this Act shall prejudicially affect—

(1)Any purchase, sale, conveyance, covenant, contract, deed, act, or thing which before the passing of this Act has been or before the respective days whereon the several provisions of this Act commence and take effect shall be made, entered into, executed, or done under or by virtue of any Act or part of an Act herein-before expressly mentioned or referred to; and the same respectively shall continue in as full force and be as valid and effectual as if this Act had not been passed, the Board of Trade being only substituted for the Admiralty:

(2)Any debt or money demand, or any right or cause of action or suit, or other remedy of, for, or against the Admiralty or any other body or person; and the same shall and may be paid, discharged, enjoyed, used, or exercised, as if this Act had not been passed, the Board of Trade being only substituted for the Admiralty:

(3) . . . F1

(4) . . . F2