General Pier and Harbour Act 1861, Amendment Act 1862


Advertisement in October or November of intended Application

(1)Every Advertisement is to state—


The objects of the intended Application, specifying any of the following Objects, when comprised among the Objects of the Application :


Extension of Time for the Completion of any Works already authorized:


Power for a Company to amalgamate with another:


Power to sell, purchase, lease, or take on Lease an Undertaking :


Amendment or Repeal of any Local or Special Act of Parliament, or of any former Provisional Order:


Power to levy any Tolls, Rates, or Duties, or to alter any existing Tolls, Rates, or Duties:


The conferring, varying, or extinguishing of any Exemption from Tolls, Rates, or Duties, or of any other Right or Privilege :


Constitution or Alteration of Constitution of any Harbour Authority.


A general Description of the Nature of the proposed new Works, if any.


The Names of the Parishes, Townlands, Townships, and Extra parochial Places in which the proposed new Works, if any, will be made.


The Times and Places at which the Deposit under Part II. of this Schedule will be made.


An Office, either in London, or at the Place to which the intended Application relates, at which printed Copies of the Draft Provisional Order, when deposited, will be purchaseable as herein-after provided.

(2)The whole Notice is to be included in One Advertisement, which is to be headed with a short Title descriptive of the Undertaking or Application.

(3)The Advertisement is to be inserted once at least in each of Two successive Weeks in some One and the same Newspaper published in the City, Town, or Place where the proposed Works will be made, or where the Pier or Harbour to which the intended Application relates is situate ; or if there be no such Newspaper, then in some One and the same Newspaper published in the County in which such City, Town, or Place, or some Part thereof, is situate; or if there be none, then in some One and the same Newspaper published in some adjoining or neighbouring County.

(4)The Advertisement is also in every Case to be inserted once at least in the London Grazette if the Place to which the intended Application relates is situate in England or Wales, in the Edinburgh Grazette if such Place is situate in Scotland, or in the Dublin Gazette if such Place is situate in Ireland.