Locomotive Act 1861

9As to the Number of Persons in charge of Locomotive and Waggons.

It shall not be lawful for any Owner of such Locomotive, either in his own Person or by his Servants, to use any such Locomotive, Waggon, or Carriage on the Turnpike or other Roads, except there be at the least Two Persons to drive or conduct such Locomotive, and if more than Two such Waggons or Carriages be attached to such Locomotive, One Person to take charge of such Waggons and Carriages; and any Person in charge of such Locomotive shall provide Two efficient Lights, to be affixed conspicuously, One at each Side, on the Front of the same, between the Hours of One Hour after Sunset and One Hour before Sunrise; and any Person acting contrary hereto shall for every such Offence, on summary Conviction thereof before Two Justices, forfeit any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.