General Pier and Harbour Act 1861

20Power to Secretary of State for War to take and hold Land, &c., for Batteries, &c.

It shall he lawful for the Promoters of any Harbour constructed under the Provisions of this or any other Act, whether Local or otherwise, to make, and for Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department to accept, a Grant either in Pee or for a Term of Years not less than Nine hundred and ninety-nine Years of any Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments proper for Sites for Batteries or Fortifications, not exceeding in Quantity in any One Place what may be sufficient for building and erecting thereon a Battery or Fortification for the Protection of such Harbour, and for making a proper or sufficient Access or Approach thereto, and to enter into any Covenant or Stipulation with the said Principal Secretary of State and his Successors not to build or do any Act prejudicial to the said Batteries or Fortifications on the Land adjacent to the Sites so granted as aforesaid, within the Line of Fire from such Batteries or Fortifications to be erected thereon, and which Sites when conveyed as aforesaid shall be held by the said Principal Secretary and his Successors oh behalf of Her Majesty.