
26Provision as to Woodmen's or Labourers Cottages in the Forest.

Whereas in the Inclosures made or to be made in the said Forest under the Authority of the several Acts of Parliament relating thereto, small Portions of Land have been and may be appropriated by the Crown for Cottages and Buildings for Woodmen or Labourers with Gardens attached thereto, and it may not be expedient that such small Portions of Land should in all Cases be liable to be thrown open with the rest of the Inclosures in which they are situate: Be it enacted, That notwithstanding anything in the said Acts or any of them contained, Cottages or Buildings erected or to be erected for Woodmen in any Inclosure within the said Forest, and the Sites thereof, with a Garden and Orchard attached to each of such Cottages not exceeding in each Case Two Acres in Extent, may, if and so long as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues shall think fit, remain and be held in severalty in the actual Possession of the Crown freed and discharged from all Rights of Common and other Rights, Titles, or Claims whatsoever: Provided always, that the total Quantity of Land within the said Forest which Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, are by the said Acts or any of them authorized to hold and keep inclosed and in severalty shall not be thereby increased.