
23Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller to settle any Disputes as to Boundaries, and to alter (with Consent of Owners) the Boundaries of any adjoining Gales.

Whereas by Number Twenty-one of the said Rules and Regulations, relating to Coal Mines, and Number Nineteen of the said Rules and Regulations relating to Iron Mines, Power is given to the Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller to settle Disputes respecting the Position of any Workings in manner therein mentioned, in all Cases where the Boundary of any Tract of Coal or Iron Ore is defined by the Workings of another Tract of Coal or Iron Ore: Be it enacted, That the Gaveller or Deputy Gaveller (if he shall think fit) may, with the Consent of the Owner or Owners of any adjoining Gales or Workings of Coal or Iron Ore, alter the Boundary between such adjoining Gales or Workings; and for the Purposes of this Section, Gales or Workings divided only by a Barrier which has been directed to be left unworked shall be deemed adjoining Gales or Workings.