
IIIColleges to retain all existing Rights, notwithstanding Change of Name.

The granting of new Charters to the said Corporations respectively by and in the altered Names and Styles respectively, as provided in the Medical Act, shall not, in respect of such Alteration of Name or Style merely, alter or affect in any way the Rights, Powers, Authorities, Qualifications, Liberties, Exemptions, Immunities, Duties, and Obligations granted, conferred, or imposed to or upon, or continued and preserved to the said Corporations respectively, and the respective Presidents, Censors, Fellows, Members, and Licentiates thereof, by the respective Charters and Acts of Parliament relating to the said Corporations respectively, or by the Medical Act, the Act to amend the Medical Act, the Medical Acts Amendment Act, I860, and this Act respectively; but the said Corporations respectively, and the respective Presidents, Censors, Fellows, Members, and Licentiates thereof, shall, notwithstanding any such Change of Name and Style, have and retain all such and the same Rights, Powers, Authorities, Qualifications, Liberties, Exemptions, and Immunities, and be subject to all such and the same Duties and Obligations, as if such new Charters respectively had been granted to them by and in their respective Names and Styles as then existing.