
XVRegistration of Persons now qualified, and of Persons hereafter becoming qualified.

Every Person now possessed, and (subject to the Provisions herein-after contained) every Person hereafter becoming possessed, of any One or more of the Qualifications described in the Schedule (A.) to this Act, shall, on Payment of a Fee, not exceeding Two Pounds, in respect of Qualifications obtained before the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and not exceeding Five Pounds in respect of Qualifications obtained on or after that Day, be entitled to be registered on producing to the Registrar of the Branch Council for England, Scotland, or Ireland the Document conferring or evidencing the Qualification or each of the Qualifications in respect whereof he seeks to be so registered, or upon transmitting by Post to such Registrar Information of his Name and Address, and Evidence of the Qualification or Qualifications in respect whereof he seeks to be registered, and of the Time or Times at which the same was or were respectively obtained: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the several Colleges and other Bodies mentioned in the said Schedule (A.) to transmit from Time to Time to the said Registrar Lists certified under their respective Seals of the several Persons who, in respect of Qualifications granted by such Colleges and Bodies respectively, are for the Time being entitled to be registered under this Act, stating the respective Qualifications and Places of Residence of such Persons; and it shall be lawful for the Registrar thereupon, and upon Payment of such Fee as aforesaid in respect of each Person to be registered, to enter in the Register the Persons mentioned in such Lists, with their Qualifications and Places of Residence as therein dated, without other Application in relation thereto.