IVMode of intimating Petition.

Every such Petition, in place of being published at the Kirk-door and Market Cross, as Edicts of Executry have been in use to be published, shall be intimated by the Commissary Clerk affixing on the Door of the Commissary Court House, or in some conspicuous Place of the Court and of the Office of the Commissary Clerk, in such Manner as the Commissary may direct, a full Copy of the Petition, and by the Keeper of the Record of Edictal Citations at Edinburgh inserting in a Book, to be kept by him for that Purpose, the Names and Designations of the Petitioner and of the deceased Person, the Place and Date of his Death, and the Character in which the Petitioner seeks to be decerned Executor, which Particulars the Keeper of the Record of Edictal Citations shall cause to be printed and published weekly, along with the Abstracts of the Petitions for General and Special Services, in the Form of Schedule (B.) hereunto annexed; Provided always, that to enable the Keeper of the Record of Edictal Citations to make such Publication, the Commissary Clerk shall transmit to him the said Particulars, and -to enable the Commissary Clerk to grant the Certificate after mentioned, the Keeper of the Record of Edictal Citations shall transmit to the Commissary Clerk a Copy, certified by the said Keeper, of the printed and published Particulars, all in such Form and Manner and on Payment of such Fees as the Court of Session by Act of Sederunt may direct.