  1. Introductory Text

  2. I.Practice of raising Edicts of Executry to cease.

  3. II.Petition to Commissary to be substituted.

  4. III.To whom Petition to be presented.

  5. IV.Mode of intimating Petition.

  6. V.Certificate of Intimation of Petition.

  7. VI.Procedure on Petition. Decree Dative. Proviso as to Caution.

  8. VII.Not to affect present Procedure.

  9. VIII.Where Inventories, &c. may be recorded. Confirmations may be granted.

  10. IX.Inventory may include Personal Estate in any Part of United Kingdom.

  11. X.Form and Effect of Confirmations.

  12. XI.Oaths, before whom to be taken.

  13. XII.Confirmation produced in Probate Court of England, and sealed, to have the Effect of Probate or Administration.

  14. XIII.Confirmation produced in Probate Court of Dublin, and sealed, to have the Effect of Probate or Administration.

  15. XIV.Probate or Letters of Administration produced in Commissary-Court and certified, to have Effect of Confirmation.

  16. XV.For securing the Stamp Duties, Probates, &c. to be deemed granted for all the Property in the United Kingdom. Inventory to include all such Property.

  17. XVI.Provisions of former Acts to, apply to the Probates, Letters of Administration, and Inventories mentioned in this Act.

  18. XVII.Affidavit as to Domicile to be made on applying for Probate or Administration.

  19. XVIII.Acts of Sederunt to be passed for following out Purposes of this Act.

  20. XIX.Former Acts of Sederunt repealed, if inconsistent with this Act.

  21. XX.Interpretation of Terms.

  22. SCHEDULES to which the foregoing Act refers.

    1. SCHEDULE (A.)

    2. SCHEDULE (B.)

    3. SCHEDULE (C.)

    4. SCHEDULE (D.)

    5. SCHEDULE (E.)

    6. SCHEDULE (F.)