
VIIOn a Partition Disproportion in Value of Allotments in Severalty may be compensated by a Rentcharge.

Where any Land of which a Partition is proposed to be made under the said Acts or any of them cannot in the Opinion of the Valuer or Commissioners (as the Case may be) be conveniently allotted in Severalty in Parts or Shares of the like proportional Values as the undivided Parts or Shares in respect whereof the Partition is proposed to be made, the Difference in such proportional Values may be compensated by a perpetual Rentcharge of such Amount, or perpetual Rentcharges of such aggregate Amount, as in the Opinion of the Valuer or Commissioners (as the Case may require) will be just, to be charged on the Land or respective Lands for the Excess in Value whereof the same is or are intended as an Equivalent or Equivalents, or upon such Part or respective Parts of such Land or Lands as may appear to the Valuer or Commissioners (as the Case may require) to afford sufficient Security for such Rentcharge or Rent-charges respectively.