
XIIIProcedure in lieu of Writs of the Pipe.

In all Cases where, according to the Practice of the Court of Exchequer at the Date of the passing of this Act, any Rent-charges or Penalties may be levied by Process of the Pipe, it shall be competent for the Lord Ordinary in Exchequer Causes, and he is hereby required, upon the Production to him of a Certificate by any Person charged with the Recovery or Collection of such Rentcharges or Penalties, setting forth that any such Rentcharge or Penalty is due, and the Amount and other Particulars thereof, and the Party or Parties indebted therein, and that he has been unable to recover the same, to issue ex parte, and without the Form of any written Application, a Decree decerning and ordaining such Party or Parties to make Payment of such Rentcharge or Penalty; provided, that all Penalties which may be incurred in One County or Stewartry may be included in One Decree and Charge: Provided also, that any Charge to be given on such Decree, or any Diligence following thereon, may be brought under Suspension by the Party against whom the same is directed, but no such Suspension shall be competent before a Charge has been given.