
IIILord Ordinary in Exchequer Causes may act in Vacation as well as during Session; and in his Absence any other Lord Ordinary may act in his Room.

It shall be competent to the Lord Ordinary in Exchequer Causes at any Time, as well in Vacation or Recess as during the Sittings of the Court of Session, and on any Day or Days of the Year, whether Sederunt Days of the Court of Session or not, to entertain and dispose of all Matters of a summary Nature, or which may appear to the Lord Ordinary to require Despatch, being within his Competency under this Act, and also to try any Cause under this Act, and to pronounce Judgment therein, and in case of the Absence or Inability of the Lord Ordinary, any Duties devolving on him under this Act may, during such Absence or Inability, be performed by any other Lord Ordinary of the Court of Session acting in his Room and Stead.