
XVIRegistrar of Marriages may appoint a Deputy.

Every Registrar of Marriages, already appointed or hereafter to be appointed, shall be and he is hereby empowered, subject to the Approval of the Registrar General, to appoint, by a Writing under his Hand, a fit Person to be and to act as his Deputy, in case of the Illness or unavoidable Absence of such Registrar; and every such Deputy, while so acting, shall have all the Powers and Duties and be subject to all the Provisions and Penalties in the said recited Acts or any or either of them given, imposed, and contained concerning Registrars of Marriages ; and every such Deputy shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the Registrar by whom he was appointed, but shall be removable by the Registrar General; and every Registrar of Marriages shall be civilly responsible for the Acts and Omissions of his Deputy; and in case any Registrar of Marriages shall die, or otherwise cease to hold his Office, his Deputy shall become the Registrar of Marriages in his Place until the Appointment of another Registrar of Marriages shall have been made, and notified to him by the Superintendent Registrar or by the Registrar General, and shall, while continuing such Registrar, have the same Powers and Duties and be subject to the same Provisions and Penalties as any other Registrar of Marriages.