Burial Act 1855

XIf Ratepayers resolve, Land for new Burial Ground may be conveyed and settled as old Burial Ground.

If the Ratepayers assembled at any Vestry duly convened under the Provisions of this Act shall, in pursuance of public Notice duly given in that Behalf, resolve unanimously that any new Burial Ground to be provided for their Parish, under the Provisions of this Act, shall be held and used in like Manner and subject to the same Laws and Regulations in all respects as the existing Burial Ground or Churchyard of the said Parish, the Land for such new Burial Ground may be conveyed and settled in accordance with such Resolution, anything in this or the said recited Acts notwithstanding, and in such Case it shall not be necessary to set apart to remain unconsecrated any Portion of the Land so conveyed and settled : Provided always, that if at any Time within Ten Years thereafter the Vestry, duly convened under the Provisions of this Act in pursuance of public Notice duly given in that Behalf, should determine that an unconsecrated Burial Ground should be also provided for such Parish, all the Powers and Provisions of the said recited Acts and this Act may be put in force and shall be applicable for providing such unconsecrated Burial Ground separately, in like Manner as they might have been put in force and been applicable for providing an ordinary Burial Ground for such Parish.