Metropolis Management Act 1855

XCAll Powers relating to paving, &c. to be vested in Vestries, and in District Boards.

All the Duties, Powers, and Authorities for or in relation to the paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving of any Parish mentioned in Schedule (A.) to this Act, or any Part of such Parish, now vested in any Commissioners, or in any Body other than the Vestry of such Parish, or in any Officer of any Commissioners or other Body, and. all other Duties, Powers, and Authorities in anywise relating to the Regulation, Government, or Concerns of any such Parish or Part, or of the Inhabitants thereof, (except such Duties, Powers, and Authorities as relate to the Affairs of the Church, or the Management or Relief of the Poor, or the Administration of any Money or other Property applicable to the Relief of the Poor, so far as such Duties, Powers, and Authorities relate thereto,) now vested under any Local Act of Parliament in any Commissioners, or in any Body other than the Vestry of such Parish, or in any such Officer, shall cease to be so vested, and shall, save as herein otherwise provided, become vested in and be performed and exercised by the Vestry of such Parish under this Act; and all the Duties, Powers, and Authorities for or in relation to the paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving of any Parish included in any District mentioned in Schedule (B.) to this Act, or any Part of such Parish, now vested in any Commissioners, Vestry, or other Body, or in any Officer of any Commissioners or other Body, and all other Duties, Powers, and Authorities in anywise relating to the Regulation, Government, or Concerns of any such Parish, or Part, or of the Inhabitants thereof (except such Duties, Powers, and Authorities as relate to the Affairs of the Church, or the Management or Relief of the Poor, or the Administration of any Money or other Property applicable to the Relief of the Poor, so far as such Duties, Powers, and Authorities relate thereto), now vested under any Local Act of Parliament in any Commissioners, Vestry, or other Body, or in any such Officer, shall cease to be so vested, and shall, save as herein otherwise provided, become vested in and be performed and exercised by the Board of Works for such District; and the Provisions of every such Act of Parliament as aforesaid shall be applicable to the Vestry of every Parish mentioned in the said Schedule (A.) and to every such District Board accordingly, and the Offices of all Commissioners and Persons whose Powers are determined by this; Act shall cease and be determined, and there shall be no new Appointment or Election to any such Office.