
Duties and Powers of Vestries and District Boards

LXXVIIPower to branch Drains into Sewers constructed by Metropolitan Board, or any Vestry or District Board under certain Regulations. Penalty.

It shall be lawful for any Person, at his own Expense, to make or branch any Drain into any of the Sewers vested in the Metropolitan Board of Works or any Vestry or District Board under this Act, or authorized to be made by them under this Act, such Drain being of such a Size, and of such Conditions, and branched to such Sewer, in such a Manner and Form of Communication in all respects as the Vestry or Board shall direct or appoint; and in case any Person make or branch any Drain into any of the said Sewers so vested in the Vestry or Board, or authorized to be made by them under this Act, of a larger Size, or of different Conditions, or in a different Manner and Form of Communication than shall be directed or appointed by the Vestry or Board, every Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit a Sum not exceeding Fifty Pounds.