Metropolis Management Act 1855

CLXIOverseers to collect the Rate in the same Manner as the Poor Rate.

The Overseers of the Poor of every Parish to whom any such Order as aforesaid is issued shall levy the Amount mentioned therein according to the Exigency thereof, and shall for that Purpose make separate equal Pound Rates upon their Parish, or the Part thereof upon which any Sum specified in such Order is required to be levied, in respect of each Sum thereby ordered to be levied ; that is to say, a separate Rate in respect of each Sum ordered to be levied for defraying Expenses connected with Sewerage, to be called a Sewers Rate; a separate Rate in respect of each Sum ordered to be levied for defraying Expenses of lighting (where a separate Sum is ordered to be levied for defraying such Expenses), to be called a Lighting Rate; and a separate Rate in respect of each Sum ordered to be levied for defraying other Expenses of executing this Act, to be called a General Rate; and shall make such respective Rates of such Amount in the Pound on the annual Value of the Property rateable as will in their Judgment, having regard to all Circumstances, be sufficient to raise the Sums specified in such Order; and such Rates shall be levied on the Persons and in respect of the Property by Law rateable to the Relief of the Poor in the respective Parishes, and shall be assessed upon the net annual Value of such Property ascertained by the Rate for the Time being for the Relief of the Poor; and the said Overseers shall, for the Purpose of levying such Rates, proceed in the same Manner, and have the same Powers, Remedies, and Privileges, as for levying Money for the Relief of the Poor; and all such Rates shall be allowed in the same Manner, and be subject to all the same Provisions in relation to Appeal and to excusing Persons from Payment on account of Poverty and otherwise, as the Rate for the Relief of the Poor in the same Parish; and such Overseers shall pay to the Treasurer of the Vestry or Board, or otherwise, as in such Order directed, the Amount mentioned in the Order, within the Time or respective Times specified for that Purpose, and the Excess, if any, which may have been levied beyond such Amount, which Excess shall be placed to the Credit of the Parish or Part in which the same has been levied; and the said Overseers shall at the Time of making any such Payment deliver with the Money a Note in Writing signed by them, specifying the Amount so paid, which Note shall be kept as a Voucher for the Receipt of that particular Amount; and the Receipt of the Treasurer of the Vestry or Board, or of any proper Officer or Person of or belonging to any Bank into which such Money is so paid, specifying the Amount paid to him by the Overseers, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Overseers for such Amount.