
Miscellaneous Clauses

CCXXVCompensation, Damage, and Expenses how to be ascertained and recovered.

In every Case where the Amount of any Damage, Costs, or Expenses is by this Act directed to be ascertained or recovered in a summary Manner, or the Amount of any Damage, Costs, or Expenses is by this Act directed to be paid, and the Method of ascertaining the Amount or enforcing the Payment thereof is not provided for, such Amount shall, in case of Dispute, be ascertained and determined by and shall be recovered before Two Justices; and the Amount of any Compensation to be made under this A ct by the said Metropolitan Board, or any Vestry or District Board, shall, unless herein otherwise provided, be settled, in case of Dispute, by and shall be recovered before Two Justices, unless the Amount of Compensation claimed exceed Fifty Pounds, in which Case the Amount thereof shall be settled by Arbitration, according to the Provisions contained in the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, which are applicable where Questions of disputed Compensation are authorized or required to be settled by Arbitration.