
Provisions for Protection of Property and Works of Metropolitan and District Boards and Vestries, and preventing Obstruction in Execution of Works

CCIXPenalty upon Occupiers obstructing Execution of Works, or not disclosing Owner's Name.

If the Occupier of any Premises prevent the Owner thereof from carrying into effect, with respect to such Premises, any of the Provisions of this Act, or any Order of any Vestry or District Board made in pursuance thereof, he shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during the Continuance of such Refusal or Neglect ; and if the Occupier of any Premises, when requested by or on behalf of the Vestry or District Board to state the Name and Description of the Owner of the Premises occupied by him, refuse or wilfully omit to disclose or wilfully mis-state the same, it shall be lawful for any Justice to summon the Party to appear before him or some other Justice at a Time and Place to be appointed in such Summons; and if the Party so summoned neglect or refuse to attend at the Time and Place so appointed, or if he do not show good Cause for such Refusal, or if such wilful Omission or Misstatement be proved, the Justice before whom the Party is so summoned may impose upon the Offender a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds.