Merchant Shipping Law Amendment Act 1853

XIIProvisions for existing Debts and Charges.

All Debts and Liabilities which have been duly incurred or undertaken by the Trinity House, the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, and the Port of Dublin Corporation respectively, before the passing of this Act, and which are such as if this Act bad not been passed ought to have been paid out of the said Tolls and Rates, shall be paid or provided for out of the said Mercantile Marine Fund; and all Expenses of the Trinity House, the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, and the Port of Dublin Corporation, in respect of any charitable or other Pensions, Superannuations, or other Allowances which have been lawfully granted or allowed by them respectively before the passing of this Act, and which are such as if this Act had not been passed ought to have been paid out of the said Tolls and Rates, shall be paid out of the said Mercantile Marine Fund during the respective Lives or Continuance in Office of the Persons receiving the same, or other Periods for which the same may have been granted or allowed ; and if it appear that any Debts or Liabilities so incurred as aforesaid, or any of the Expenses in respect of charitable or other Pensions, and Superannuation or other Allowances, are Debts, Liabilities, or Expenses which if this Act had not been passed would have been paid partly out of the said Tolls and Rates and partly from other Sources, such Part thereof as the Board of Trade shall under the Circumstances of the Case think just shall be paid out of the said Mercantile Marine Fund; and the Trinity House, the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, and the Port of Dublin Corporation respectively shall submit to the Board of Trade Statements of' all such Debts and Liabilities, and of all such Expenses or Parts of Expenses in respect of charitable or other Pensions, Superannuations or other Allowances, as are to be paid out of the said Mercantile Marine Fund, and also Estimates of the Sums which may be from Time to Time required to provide for the same; and no Payment in respect of any such Debt, Liability, or Expense shall be made out of the said Mercantile Marine Fund unless provided for by such Estimates, and approved by the Board of Trade.