
Appearance, and Proceedings in default of Appearance

XXVIIIJudgment for Nonappearance where the Writ is not indorsed in the special Form.

In case of such Nonappearance, where the Writ of Summons is not indorsed in the special Form herein-before provided, it shall and may be lawful for the Plaintiff, on filing an Affidavit of personal Service of the Writ of Summons, or a Judge's Order for Leave to proceed under the Provisions of this Act, and a Copy of the Writ of Summons, to file a Declaration indorsed with a Notice to plead in Eight Days, and to sign Judgment by Default at the Expiration of the Time to plead, so indorsed as aforesaid; and in the event of no Plea being delivered, where the Cause of Action mentioned in the Declaration is for any of the Claims which might have been inserted in the special Indorsement on the Writ of Summons herein-before provided, and the Amount claimed is indorsed on the Writ of Summons, the Judgment shall be final, and Execution may issue for an Amount not exceeding the Amount indorsed on the Writ of Summons, with Interest at the Rate specified, if any, and the Sum fixed by the Masters for Costs, as herein-before mentioned, unless the Plaintiff claim more, in which Case the Costs shall be taxed in the ordinary Way : Provided always, that in such Case the Plaintiff shall not be entitled to more Costs than if he had made such special Indorsement, and signed Judgment upon Nonappearance.