
Writs for Commencement of Actions

XIRenewal of Writs of Summons to save the Statute of Limitation, and for other Purposes.

No original Writ of Summons shall be in force for more than Six Months from the Day of the Date thereof, including the Day of such Date; but if any Defendant therein named may not have been served therewith, the original or concurrent Writ of Summons may be renewed at any Time before its Expiration, for Six Months from the Date of such Renewal, and so from Time to Time during the Currency of the renewed Writ, by being marked with a Seal, bearing the Date of the Day, Month, and Year of such Renewal, such Seal to be provided and kept for that Purpose at the Offices of the Masters of the said Superior Courts, and to be impressed upon the Writ by the proper Officer of the Court out of which such Writ issued, upon Delivery to him by the Plaintiff or his Attorney of a Praecipe in such Form as has heretofore been required to be delivered upon the obtaining of an alias Writ; and a Writ of Summons so renewed shall remain in force and be available to prevent the Operation of any Statute whereby the Time for the Commencement of the Action may be limited, and for all other Purposes, from the Date of the issuing of the original Writ of Summons.