

LXXXIVCertain Pleas may be pleaded together without Leave.

The following Pleas, or any Two or more of them, may be pleaded together as of course, without Leave of the Court or a Judge 5 that is to say, a Plea denying any Contract or Debt alleged in the Declaration; a Plea of Tender as to Part; a Plea of the Statute of Limitations, Set-off, Bankruptcy of the Defendant, Discharge under an Insolvent Act, Plene administravit, Plene administravit praeter, Infancy, Coverture, Payment, Accord and Satisfaction, Release, Not guilty, a Denial that the Property an Injury to which is complained of is the Plaintiff's, Leave and Licence, Son assault demesne, and any other Pleas which the Judges of the said Superior Courts, or any Eight or more of them, of whom the Chief Judges of the said Courts shall be Three, shall by any Rule or Order, to be from Time to Time by them made in Term or Vacation, order or direct.