
Writs for Commencement of Actions

IIPersonal Actions, when Defendant resides within the Jurisdiction, to be commenced by Writ of Summons in Form No.1 of Schedule (A).

All Personal Actions brought in Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Common Law, where the Defendant is residing or supposed to reside reside within the Jurisdiction of the said Courts, shall be commenced by Writ of Summons in the Form contained in the Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, marked No.1, and in every such Writ and Copy thereof the Place and County of the Residence or supposed Residence of the Party Defendant, or wherein the Defendant shall be or shall be supposed to be, shall be mentioned; and such Writ shall be issued by any One of the Officers of the said Courts respectively by whom like Process hath been heretofore issued from such Court, or by such other Officer as the Court shall direct.