Common Law Procedure Act 1852

CXCIIIUpon Death of One of several Claimants having obtained a Verdict.

In case of a Verdict for Two or more Claimants, if One of such Claimants die before Execution executed, the other Claimant may, whether the legal Right to the Property shall survive or not, suggest the Death in manner aforesaid, and proceed to Judgment and Execution for Recovery of Possession of the Entirety of the Property and the Costs; but nothing herein contained shall affect the Right of the legal Representative of the deceased Claimant, or the Liability of the surviving Claimant to such legal Representative; and the Entry and Possession of such surviving Claimant under such Execution shall be considered as an Entry and Possession on behalf of such legal Representative in respect of the Share of the Property to which he shall be entitled as such Representative, and the Court may direct Possession to be delivered accordingly.