Common Law Procedure Act 1852

CLXXXTrial of Issue.

The Claimants may, if no Special Case be agreed to, proceed to trial upon the Issue, in the same Manner as in other Actions; and the Particulars of the Claim and Defence, if any, or Copies thereof, shall be annexed to the Record by the Claimants; and the Question at the Trial shall, except in the Cases hereafter mentioned, be, whether the Statement in the Writ of the Title of the Claimants is true or false, and, if true, then which of the Claimants is entitled, and whether to the whole or Part, and if to Part, then to which Part of the Property in question; and the Entry of the Verdict may be made in the Form contained in the Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, marked No. 17-, or to the like Effect, with such Modifications as may be necessary to meet the Facts.