

CLVJudgment Roll to be brought into Court instead of Transcript.

Upon such Suggestion of Error alleged and denied being entered, the Cause may be set down for Argument in the Court of Error in the Manner heretofore used; and the Judgment Roll shall, without any Writ or Return, be brought by the Master into the Court of Error in the Exchequer Chamber, before the Justices, or Justices and Barons, as the Case may be, of the other Two Superior Courts of Common Law, on the Day of its Sitting, at such Time as the Judges shall appoint, either in Term or in Vacation ; or if the Proceedings in Error be before the High Court of Parliament, then before the High Court of Parliament, before or at the Time of its Sitting ; and the Court of Error shall and may thereupon review the Proceedings, and give Judgment as they shall be advised thereon; and such Proceedings and Judgment, as altered or affirmed, shall be entered on the original Record ; and such further Proceedings as may be necessary thereon shall be awarded by the Court in which the Original Judgment was given.