Common Law Procedure Act 1852

CCXXXIIProvisions to apply to Masters of Courts at Westminster to apply to Prothonotaries of Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham, and their Deputies, &c.

Provided always, That all the Provisions of this Act applicable to Masters of the said Courts at Westminster shall apply to the respective Prothonotaries of the Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham, and their respective Deputies, who may singly exercise, with reference to Matters and Proceedings in the last-mentioned Courts respectively, the Powers hereby given to any One or more of the Masters of the Superior Courts at Westminster; and that such respective Officers shall record the Proceedings of Trials of Causes depending in the said respective Courts, and draw up and return Posteas on Records from the Superior Courts at Westminster, tried in the said Counties Palatine respectively, and officiate at the Trial of such Causes therein as heretofore.