
Effect of Injuction

CCXXXIJudges may make Rules for applying other Provisions of this A ct to Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Court of Pleas at Durham.

It shall and may be lawful to and for the Judges of each of the said Courts of Common Pleas at Lancaster and Pleas at Durham, being Judges of One of the Superior Courts at Westminster, or any Two of them, from Time to Time to make Rules and Orders for applying any of the other Provisions of this Act to the said respective Superior Courts of the said Counties Palatine, and Matters and Proceedings therein and Parties thereto, with such Modifications and Alterations with reference to the Constitution and peculiar Circumstances of such Court, as they may think fit and reasonable; and for modifying any of the Provisions hereby applied to such last-mentioned Courts respectively with reference to such Constitution and peculiar Circumstances; and from Time to Time to rescind, amend, or alter such Rules or Orders; and that such Rules or Orders, subject to such Power of Rescission, Amendment, and Alteration, shall have the same Force as if the same were made by and embodied in this Act.