
Effect of Injuction

CCXXVIInjunctions and Orders to stay Proceedings to have a specific Effect.

In case any Action, Suit, or Proceeding in any Court of Law or Equity shall be commenced, sued, or prosecuted, in disobedience of and contrary to any Writ of Injunction, Rule, or Order of either of the Superior Courts of Law or Equity at Westminster, or of any Judge thereof, in any other Court than that by or in which such Injunction may have been issued, or Rule or Order made, upon the Production to any such other Court or Judge thereof of such Writ of Injunction, Rule, or Order, the said other Court (in which such Action, Suit, or Proceeding may be commenced, prosecuted, or taken), or any Judge thereof, shall stay all further Proceedings contrary to any such Injunction, Rule, or Order; and thenceforth all further and subsequent Proceedings shall be utterly null and void to all Intents and Purposes : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be held to diminish, alter, abridge, or vary the Liability of any Person or Persons commencing, suing, or prosecuting any such Action, Suit, or Proceeding contrary to any Injunction, Rule, or Order of either of the Courts aforesaid, to any Attachment, Punishment, or other Proceeding to which any such Person or Persons are, may, or shall be liable in Cases of Contempt of either of the Courts aforesaid, in regard to the commencing, suing, or prosecuting such Action, Suit, or Proceeding.

And be it enacted as follows :