Common Law Procedure Act 1852

CCXVIILandlord to recover Possession of Lands, &c. after Service of Writ in Ejectment.

In all Actions of Ejectment hereafter to be brought in any of Her Majesty's Courts at Westminster by any Landlord against his Tenant, or against any Person claiming through or under such Tenant, for the Recovery of any Lands or Hereditaments in any County, except London or Middlesex, where the Tenancy shall expire, or the Right of Entry into or upon such Lands or Hereditaments shall accrue to such Landlord, in or after Hilary or Trinity Terms respectively, it shall be lawful for the Claimant in any such Action, at any Time within Ten Days after such Tenancy shall expire, or Right of Entry accrue as aforesaid, to serve a Writ in Ejectment in the Form contained in the Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, marked No. 13, except that it shall command the Persons to whom it is directed to appear within Ten Days after Service thereof in the Court in which such Action may be brought; and the like Proceedings shall be thereupon had as herein-before provided, save that it shall be sufficient to give at least Six clear Days Notice of Trial to the Defendant before the Commission Day of the Assizes at which such Ejectment is intended to be tried; and any Defendant in such Action may, at any Time before the Trial thereof, apply to a Judge by Summons to stay or set aside the Proceedings, or to postpone the Trial until the next Assizes; and it shall be lawful for the Judge, in his Discretion, to make such Order in the said Cause as to him shall seem expedient.