
XXXVBallot and Challenge of Jurors.

The Barmaster shall make a List of the Jurors so summoned, together with their Places of Abode and Conditions, and shall permit such List to be inspected by the Plaintiff and Defendant, if they shall require it, and the Barmaster shall cause the Names of the Jurors to be written severally on Slips of Paper and put into a Box, and the Names shall be drawn out of the Bor by the Barmaster, and each Party may, until no more than Twelve remain, object to any Person whose Name is drawn out, without assigning any Cause, but so that not more than Six such Objections be made by either Party, and if any Objection is made to the Twelve so remaining it must be stated to, and the Validity or Invalidity thereof decided upon by, the Steward, and the Twelve first Persons to whom no Objection has been made shall be the Jury to be sworn for the Trial; and any Person against whom an Objection has been made and disallowed by the Steward shall be considered as a Person against whom no Objection has been made; and if after drawing out the Names of all the Jurors there shall not appear to be Twelve Persons against whom no Objection has been made, then the Names of all the Jurors against whom Objections have been made shall be returned to the Box, and drawn again, without any further Objection being allowed to any of them, until a sufficient Number be drawn to make a Jury of Twelve, and such Jury of Twelve shall be the Jury to be sworn for the Trial to take place at such Small Barmote Court; and the Jury so drawn as aforesaid shall be sworn by the Steward, and shall hear the Evidence of the Witnesses in the Cause, and shall be required to give an unanimous Verdict or Verdicts upon all Matters of Fact at issue in such Trial, which Matters of Fact shall be submitted by the Steward to the Jury for their Determination.