High Peak Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1851


A.B., Steward of the High Peak Barmote Courts, to greeting. You and every of you are hereby required personally to attend at the Small Barmote Court to be holden at on the Day of next, by of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day [if the Witness is required to bring with him any Documents, describe them here], to testify the Truth according to your Knowledge in a certain Action in the Barmote Court now depending between Plaintiff and Defendant in an Action of [Title, Trespass, or Debt, as the Case may be], at the said Court to be tried. Should you fail herein you will be liable to be proceeded against in like Manner as for Disobedience to a Subpoena issuing out of the [F1High Court].

Textual Amendments

Given under the Seal of the Court, this Day of in the Year 185 A.B., Steward.