High Peak Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1851

Return of Grand Jury to a Bill or Cross Bill of Directions.U.K.

We the Grand Jury [where all agree in Opinion, or, We [or I] the undersigned Members [or Member] of the Grand Jury, where there is Difference of Opinion] for the High Peak Barmote Courts, assembled this Day of to view, &c., having had a Bill [or Cross Bill] of Directions given to us, do declare, That we have proceeded to view, &c., as directed by the said Bill [or Cross Bill], and do declare our [or my] Opinion to be that, &c., giving their [or his] Opinion clearly on the Question proposed]. As witness our [or my] Hands [or Hand].


Memorandum to be added after the Signatures of the Majority, where One or more of the Grand Jury do not concur in the Return.

We [or I] the undersigned do not concur in the above Return, and are [or am] of opinion that, &c., stating their [or his] Opinion clearly on the Question proposed.

As witness our [or my] Hands [or Hand].
