
XXXIGuardians may consent for Minors.

And be it enacted, That, unless where inconsistent with any other Provisions of this Act, it shall be competent for the Court of Session, where any Heir of Entail whose Consent is required under this Act shall be under Age, or subject to. any legal Incapacity, to appoint, in the course of any Application to which such Consent is required, a separate Tutor ad litem, or Curator ad litem, or Curator bonis, or other Guardian, to each such Party; and such Tutor ad litem, or Curator ad litem, or Curator bonis, or other Guardian, being so appointed by the Court, shall be charged with the Interest of such Party in reference to such Application, and shall be entitled, with or without Consideration, to act and to give Consent on the Behalf of such Party; and no Tutor or Curator or other legal Guardian who may give any Consent under this Act on behalf of any Heir Substitute shall incur any Responsibility on account of such Consent in respect of any alleged Error in Judgment, or Inadequacy of Consideration, or Want of Consideration therefor, unless it shall also be alleged and proved that he acted corruptly in the Matter; and such Consent by such Tutor or Curator or other legal Guardian shall be in all respects as effectual as if the same had been given by such Heir himself when of full Age and of legal Capacity to act in his own Affairs: Provided always, that no Heir of Entail in possession of an entailed Estate in Scotland, or whose own Consent shall be required in the Application, shall be entitled to give Consent on the Behalf of any other Party in reference to any Application for Disentail of such Estate.