Entail Amendment Act 1848

XLI39 & 40 G.S applied to Heritable Property in Scotland.

And whereas an Act was passed in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to restrain all Trusts and Directions in Deeds or Wills whereby the Profits or Produce of Real or Personal Estate shall be accumulated, and the beneficial Enjoyment thereof postponed beyond the Time therein limited, by which Act it is provided and enacted, " that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to any " Disposition respecting Heritable Property within that Part of Great " Britain called Scotland;" and it is expedient that the Provisions of the said Act should be extended to Heritable Property in Scotland; be it enacted, That the said Provision and Enactment of the said recited Act shall be and the same is hereby repealed, and the said Act shall in future apply to Heritable Property in Scotland.