Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847

LXAnnual Account to be made up, and a Copy transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace, &c, and be open to Inspection.

And with respect to the Accounts to be kept by the Company, be it enacted, That the Company shall every Year cause an Account to be prepared, showing the total Receipt and Expenditure of all Monies levied by virtue of this or the special Act for the Year ending on the Thirty-first Day of December, or some other convenient Day in each Year, under the several distinct Heads of Receipt and Expenditure, with a Statement of the Balance of such Account, certified by the Chairman of the Company, and duly audited, and shall send a Copy of the said Account, free of Charge, to the Clerk of the Peace for the County in which the Cemetery is situated, on or before the Expiration of One Month from the Day on which such Accounts end, which last-mentioned Account shall be open to the Inspection of the Public at all reasonable Hours, on Payment of the Sum of One Shilling for every such Inspection; and if the Company omit to prepare or send such Account as aforesaid, they shall forfeit for every such Omission the Sum of Twenty Pounds.