Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847

Extent of Act.

That this Act shall extend only to such Cemeteries as shall be authorized by any Act of Parliament hereafter to be passed which shall declare that this Act shall be incorporated therewith, and all the Clauses of this Act, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted in any such Act, shall apply to the Cemetery authorized thereby, so far as they are applicable to such Cemetery, and shall, with the Clauses of every other Act incorporated therewith, form Part of such Act, and be construed therewith as forming One Act.

IIInterpretations in this Act.

And with respect to the Construction of this Act and any Act incorporated therewith, be it enacted as follows :

The Expression " the special Act " used in this Act shall be construed to mean any Act which shall be hereafter passed authorizing the making of a Cemetery, and with which this Act shall be incorporated ; and the Word " prescribed " used in this Act in reference to any Matter herein stated shall be construed to refer to such Matter as the same shall be prescribed or provided for in the special Act ; and the Sentence in which such Word occurs shall be construed as if instead of the Word " prescribed " the Expression " prescribed for that Purpose in the special Act " had been used; and the Expression " the Lands " shall mean the Lands which shall by the special Act be authorized to be taken or used for the Purposes thereof; and the Expression " the Company " shall mean the Persons by the special Act authorized to construct the Cemetery.

IIIInterpretations in this and the special Act.

The following Words and Expressions in both this and the special Act, and any Act incorporated therewith, shall have the Meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be something in the Subject or Context repugnant to such Construction ; (that is to say,)

  • Words importing the Singular Number shall include the Plural Number, and Words importing the Plural Number only shall include also the Singular Number :

  • Words importing the Masculine Gender shall include Females :

  • The Word " Person " shall include a Corporation, whether aggregate or sole :

  • The Word " Lands " shall include Messuages, Lands, and Hereditaments of any Tenure :

  • The Expression " the Cemetery " shall mean the Cemetery or Burial Ground, and the Works connected therewith, by the special Act authorized to be constructed :

  • The Word " Month " shall mean Calendar Month :

  • The Expression " Superior Courts " shall mean Her Majesty's Superior Courts at Westminster or Dublin, as the Case may require, and shall include the Court of Common Pleas of the County Palatine of Lancaster and the Court of Pleas of the County of Durham :

  • The Word " Oath " shall include Affirmation in the Case of Quakers, and any Declaration lawfully substituted for an Oath in the Case of any other Persons allowed by Law to make a Declaration instead of taking an Oath :

  • The Expression " Established Church " shall mean the United Church of England and Ireland as by Law established :

  • The Word " County " shall include any Riding or other Division of a County having a separate Commission of the Peace, and shall also include the County of a City or County of a Town :

  • The Word " Justice " shall mean Justice of the Peace acting for the Place where the Matter requiring the Cognizance of any such Justice arises, and if such Matter arise in respect of Lands situated not wholly in one Jurisdiction shall mean a Justice acting for the Place where any Part of such Lands shall be situated; and where any Matter is authorized or required to be done by " Two Justices " the Expression " Two Justices " shall be understood to mean Two or more Justices met and acting together :

  • The Expression " Quarter Sessions " shall mean the Quarter Sessions as defined by the special Act, or if such Expression be not therein defined it shall mean the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace which shall be held at the Place nearest the Cemetery for the County or Place in which the Cemetery or some Part thereof is situated, or for some Division of such County having a separate Commission of the Peace.

Citing the Act

And with respect to citing this Act or any Part thereof, be it enacted as follows:

IVShort Title of this Act.

In citing this Act in other Acts of Parliament, and in legal Instruments, it shall be sufficient to use the Expression "The Cemeteries Clauses Act, 1847."

VForm in which Portions of this Act may be incorporated in other Acts.

For the Purpose of incorporating Part only of this Act with any Act hereafter to be passed it shall be enough to describe the Clauses of this Act with respect to any Matter in the Words introductory to the Enactment with respect to such Matter, and to enact that the Clauses so described, or that this Act with the Exception of the Clauses so described, shall be incorporated with such Act, and thereupon all the Clauses of this Act so incorporated shall, save so far as they are expressly varied or excepted by such Act, form Part of such Act, and such Act shall be construed as if such Clauses were set forth therein with reference to the Matter to which such Act relates.

Making of Cemetery

And with respect to the making of the Cemetery, be it enacted as follows:

VIConstruction of Cemetery to be subject to the Provisions of this and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845.

Where by the special Act the Company shall be empowered, for the Purpose of making the Cemetery, to take or use any Lands other-wise than with the Consent of the Owners and Occupiers thereof, they shall, in exercising the Power so given to them, be subject to the Provisions and Restrictions contained in this Act and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and shall make to the Owners and Occupiers of and all other Parties interested in any Lands taken or used for the Purposes of the special Act, or injuriously affected by the Construction of the Works thereby authorized, full Compensation for the Value of the Lands so taken or used, and for all Damage sustained by such Owners, Occupiers, or other Parties, by reason of the Exercise, as regards such Lands, of the Powers vested in the Company by this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, and, except where otherwise provided by this or the special Act, the Amount of such Compensation shall be determined in the Manner provided by the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, for determining Questions of Compensation with regard to Lands purchased or taken under the Provisions thereof, and all the Provisions of the last-mentioned Act shall be applicable to determine the Amount of such Compensation, and to enforce Payment or other Satisfaction thereof.

VIIErrors and Omissions in Act or Schedule to be corrected by Justices, who shall certify the same. Certificate to be deposited.

If any Omission, Mis-statement, or wrong Description shall have been made of any; Lands,- or of the Owners, Lessees; or Occupiers of any Lands described in the special Act or the Schedule thereto, the Company, after giving Ten pays Notice .to the Owners of the Lands affected by such proposed Correction, may apply to Two Justices for the Correction thereof, and if it appear to such Justices that such Omission, Mis-statement, or wrong Description arose from Mistake, they shall certify the same accordingly, and shall in such Certificate state the Particulars of any such Omission, Mis-statement, of wrong Description; and such Certificate shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace of the County in which the Lands affected thereby shall be situated, and thereupon the special Act or Schedule shall be deemed to be corrected according to such Certificate, and the Company may take the Lands according to such Certificate, as if such Omission, Mis-statement, of wrong Description had not been made.

VIIICopies of Plans, &c. to be Evidence.

Copies of any Alteration or Correction of the special Act, or the Schedule thereto, or of any Extract therefrom, certified by any such Clerk of the Peace in whose Custody such Alteration or Correction may be, which Certificate such Clerk of the Peace shall give to all Parties interested, when required, shall be received in all Courts of Justice or elsewhere as Evidence of the Contents thereof.

IXCompany not to dispose of any Land consecrated or used for Burials.

The Company shall not sell or dispose of any Land which shall have been consecrated or used for the Burial of the Dead, or make use of such Land for any Purpose except such as shall be authorized by this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith.

XCemetery not to be within a certain Distance of Houses.

No Part of the Cemetery shall he constructed nearer to any Dwelling House than the prescribed Distance, or if no Distance be prescribed, Two hundred Yards, except with the Consent in Writing of the Owner, Lessee, and Occupier of such House.

XICompany may build Chapels, &c.

The Company upon any Land which by the special Act they are authorized to use for the Purposes of the Cemetery may build such Chapels for the Performance of the Burial Service as they think fit, and may lay out and embellish the Grounds of the Cemetery as they think fit.

XIICompany may make or widen Roads to Cemetery.

The Company upon any Land purchased by them under this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, may make any new Roads to the Cemetery, or widen or improve any existing Roads thereto which they think fit.

XIIINo Road to be widened without Consent.

Provided always, That the Company shall not widen or improve any existing Road without the Consent of the Owner thereof, if the Road be private, or if the Road be public, without the Consent of the Persons in whom the Management of the Road is vested by Law.

XIVOwners, &c. may enter into Agreements for improving , Roads for that Purpose.

The Company and the Owners or Persons having the Management of any such Road as aforesaid may enter into such Agreements as they think fit, for enabling the Company to widen or improve any such Road, and for maintaining the same.

XVCemetery to be inclosed and Fenced.

Every Part of the Cemetery shall be inclosed by Walls or other sufficient Fences of the prescribed Materials and Dimensions, and if no Materials or Dimensions be prescribed by substantial Walls or Iron Railings of the Height of Eight Feet at least.

XVICemetery, &c. to be kept in repair.

The Company shall keep the Cemetery and the Buildings and Fences thereof in complete Repair, and in good Order and Condition, out of the Monies to be received by them by virtue of this and the special Act.

XVIICompany to make Compensation for Damages done.

Provided always, That in the Exercise of the Powers by this and the special Act granted to the Company they shall do as little Damage as can be, and shall make full Compensation to all Parties interested for all Damage sustained by them through the Exercise of such Powers.

Prevention of Nuisances

And with respect to preventing Nuisance from the Cemetery, be it enacted as follows :

XVIIIPower to make Sewers, Drains, &c. in and about the Cemetery.

The Company shall make all necessary and proper Sewers and Drains in and about the Cemetery, for draining and keeping the same dry, and they may from Time to Time, as Occasion requires, cause any suck Sewer or Drain to Open into any existing Sewer, with the Consent in Writing of the Persons haying the Management of such Sewer, and with the Consent in Writing of the Persons having the Management of the Street or Road, and of the Owners and Occupiers of the Lands through which such Opening is made, doing as little Damage as possible to the Road or Ground wherein such Sewer Or Drain may be made, and restoring it to the same or as good Condition as it was in before being disturbed.

XIXCertain Provisions of Waterworks Clauses Act 1847, incorporated with this Act.

When any Street or Road or Sewer shall be opened, with such Consent as aforesaid, the Clauses of the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, with respect to breaking up Streets for the Purpose of laying Pipes, so far as the same are consistent with this Act and applicable thereto, shall be incorporated with this Act, and shall apply to the Company, and to any Ground broken by them for making any such Sewer or Drain as aforesaid to open into any existing Sewer.

XXPenalty for allowing Water to be fouled.

If the Company at any Time cause or suffer to be brought or to flow into any Stream, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct, Pond, or Watering Place, any offensive Matter from the Cemetery, whereby the Water therein shall be fouled, they shall forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Fifty Pounds.

XXIPenalty to be sued for within Six Months.

The said Penalty, with full Costs of Suit, may be recovered by any Person having Eight to use the Water fouled by such offensive Matter, in any of the Superior Courts, by Action of Debt or on the Case : Provided always, that the said Penalty shall not be recoverable unless the same be sued for during the Continuance of the Offence, or within Six Months after it has ceased.

XXIIIn addition to Penalty of 50l., a daily Penalty during the Continuance of the Offence.

In addition to the said Penalty of Fifty Pounds (arid whether such Penalty is recovered or not), any Person having Right to use the Water fouled by such offensive Matter may sue the Company- in an Action on the Case in any Court of competent Jurisdiction for any Damage specially sustained by him by reason of the Water being so fouled; or if no special Damage be alleged, for the Sum of Ten Pounds for each Day during which such offensive Matter is brought or flows as aforesaid after the Expiration of Twenty-four Hours from the Time when Notice of the Offence is served on the Company by such Person.


And with respect to Burials in the Cemetery, be it enacted as follows :

XXIIIA Part of Cemetery to be set apart and consecrated for Burial of Members of Established Church.

The Bishop of the Diocese in which the Cemetery is situated, may, on the Application of the Company, consecrate any Portion of the Cemetery set apart for the Burial of the Dead according to the Rites of the Established Church, if he be satisfied with the Title of the Company to such Portion, and thinks fit to consecrate such Portion; and the Part which is so consecrated shall be used only for Burials according to the Rites of the Established Church.

XXIVConsecrated Ground to be defined.

The Company shall define by suitable Marks crated and unconsecrated Portions of the Cemetery.

XXVA Chapel in connexion with the Established Church to be constructed.

The Company shall build, within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery, and according to a Plan approved of by the Bishop of the Diocese, a Chapel for the Performance of the Burial Service according to the Rites of the Established Church.

XXVIBodies when interred not to be removed without lawful Authority.

No Body buried in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery shall be removed from its Place of Burial without the like Authority as is by Law required for the Removal of any Body buried in the Churchyard belonging to a Parish Church.

XXVIIChaplain to be appointed with Consent of the Bishop.

The Company shall from Time to Time, with the Approval of the Bishop of the Diocese in which the Cemetery is situated, appoint a Clerk in Holy Orders of the Established Church to officiate as Chaplain in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery; and, such Chaplain shall be licensed by and be subject to the Jurisdiction of the said Bishop, and the said Bishop shall have Power to revoke any such Licence, and to remove such Chaplain, for any Cause which appears to him reasonable.

XXVIIIChaplain to perform Burial Service when required.

The Chaplain shall, when required, unless prevented by Sickness or other reasonable Cause, perform the Burial Service over all Bodies brought to be buried in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery which are entitled to be buried in consecrated Ground according to the Rites and Usage of the Established Church.

XXIXOther Clergymen of the Established Church may be allowed to officiate.

Any Clerk in Holy Orders of the Established Church, not being prohibited by the Bishop, nor tinder Ecclesiastical Censure, at the Request of the Executor of the Will Of any deceased Person, or any other Person having the Charge of the Burial of the Body of any deceased Person, and with the Consent of the Chaplain for the Time being of the Cemetery, or if there be no Chaplain with the Consent of the Bishop, may perform the said Burial Service over such Body in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery.

XXXCompany to pay the Chaplain a Stipend approved by the Bishop.

The Company, out of the Monies to be received by virtue of this and the special Act, shall allow to the Chaplain of the Cemetery for the Time being such a Stipend as is approved of by the Bishop of the Diocese in which the Cemetery is situated, which shall be payable, by equal Moieties, on the Twenty-fifth Day of March and the Twenty-ninth Day of September in each Year; and if any Chaplain die, resign, or be removed or appointed, in the Interval between the half-yearly Days of Payment, the Company shall pay to him, or his Executors or Administrators, a Part only of the half-yearly Payment of the Stipend proportioned to the Time during which he shall have been the Chaplain since the last preceding Day of Payment.

XXXIStipend to be recovered by Action at Law.

If the Stipend of the said Chaplain, or any Part thereof, be not paid to the Chaplain entitled to receive the same, or to the Executors or Administrators of a deceased Chaplain, for the Space of Thirty Days next after any of the Days of Payment whereon the same ought to be paid, such Chaplain, or his Executors or Administrators, may recover the same, with full Costs of Suit, against the Company, by Action Of Debt of upon the Case in any Court of competent Jurisdiction.

XXXIIBurials in the consecrated Portion to be registered by the Chaplain.

All Burials in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery shall be registered in Register Books to be provided by the Company, and kept for that Purpose by the Chaplain, according to the Laws in force by which Registers are required to be kept by the Rectors, Vicars, or Curates of Parishes or Ecclesiastical Districts in England ; and such Register Books, or Copies or Extracts therefrom, shall be received in all Courts in Evidence of such Burials; and Copies or Transcripts thereof shall be from Time to Time sent to the Registrar of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Bishop of the Diocese in which the Cemetery is situated, to be kept with the Copies of the other Register Books of the Parishes within his Diocese. ;

XXXIIIRegisters to be subject to the Regulations of 6 & 7 W.4 c.86 as to Searches, &c.

The said Register Books, sp far as respects Searches, to be made therein, and Copies and Extracts to be taken therefrom, shall be subject to the same Regulations as are provided by an Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act for registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, so far as such. Regulations relate to Register Books of Burials kept by any Rector, Vicar, or Curate.

XXXIVClerk appointed for the consecrated Part of the Cemetery.

The Company may, with the Consent of the Chaplain for the Time being, from. Time to 'Time appoint a Clerk to assist in performing the Service for Burials in the consecrated Part of the Cemetery,. and allow, to such Clerk such Stipend as they think proper put of the Monies to be received by virtue of this and the, special; Act, and they may remove such Clerk at their Pleasure.

XXXVAs to Burial of Persons not Members of the Church of England.

The Company may set apart the whole or a Portion of that Part of the Cemetery which is not set apart for Burials according to the Rites of the Established Church as a Place of Burial for the Bodies of Persons not being Members of the Established Church, and may allow such Bodies to be buried therein, under such Regulations as the Company appoint.

XXXVICompany may allow any Burial Service to be performed in Dissenting Chapels.

The Company may allow, in any Chapel built within the unconsecrated Part of the Cemetery, a Burial Sendee to be performed according to the Bites of any Church or Congregation other than the Established Church, by any Minister of Such other Church or Congregation duly authorized by Law to officiate in such Church or Congregation, or recognized as such by the religious Community pr Society to which be belongs.

XXXVIIPower to appoint Graven diggers, &c.

The Company may appoint Gravediggers and other Servants necessary for the Care and Use of the Cemetery, and may pay them such Wages and Allowances as they think fit out of the Monies to be received by virtue of this and the special Act, and may remove them or any of them at their Pleasure.

XXXVIIIRegulations for ensuring Decency and Solemnity.

The Company shall make Regulations for ensuring that all Burials within the Cemetery are conducted in a decent and solemn Manner.

XXXIXNo Burials under or close to Chapels.

No Body shall be buried in any Vault under any Chapel of the Cemetery, or within Fifteen Feet of the outer Wall of any such Chapel.

Exclusive Rights of Burial

And with respect to exclusive Rights of Burial, and Monumental Inscriptions, in the Cemetery, be it enacted as follows;

XLParts of the Cemetery may be set apart for exclusive Burial. Monumental Inscriptions.

The Company may set apart such Parts of the Cemetery as they think fit for the Purpose of granting exclusive Rights of Burial therein, and they may sell, either in perpetuity or for a limited Time, and subject to such Conditions as they think fit, the exclusive Right of Burial in any Parts of the Cemetery so set apart, or the Right of One or more Burials therein, and they may sell the Right of placing any Monument or Gravestone in the Cemetery, or any Tablet or monumental Inscription on the Walls of any Chapel or other Building within the Cemetery.

XLIPlan and Book of Reference to be kept, and be open to Inspection.

The Company shall cause a Plan of the Cemetery to he made upon a Scale sufficiently large to show the Situation of every Burial Place in all the Parts of the Cemetery so set apart, arid in which an exclusive Right of Burial has been granted; and all such Burial Places shall be numbered, and such Numbers shall be entered in a Book to be kept for that Purpose, and such Book shall contain the Names and Descriptions of the several Persons to whom the exclusive Right of Burial in any such Place of: Burial has been granted by the Company; and no place of burial exclusive Right of Burial therein, shall be made in the Cemetery without the same being marked out in such Plan, and a corresponding Entry made in the said Book, and the said Plan and Book shall be kept by the Clerk of the Company.

XLIIForm of Grant of Burial in Vault, &c. to be according to Schedule.

The Grant of the exclusive Right of Burial in any Part of the Cemetery, either in perpetuity or for a limited Time, and of the Right of One or more Burials therein, or of placing therein any Monument, Tablet, or Gravestone, may be made in the Form in the Schedule to this Act annexed, or to the like Effect, and where the Company are not incorporated it may be executed by the Company or any Two or more of them.

XLIIIRegister of Grants to be kept.

A Register of all such Grants shall be kept by the Clerk to the Company, and within Fourteen Days after the Date of any such Grant an Entry or Memorial of the Date thereof and of the Parties thereto, and also of the Consideration for such Grant, and also a proper Description of the Ground described in such Grant, so as the Situation thereof may be ascertained, shall be made by the said Clerk in such Register; and such Clerk shall be entitled to demand such Sum as the Company think fit, not exceeding the prescribed Sum, or if no Sum be prescribed Two Shillings and Sixpence, for every such Entry or Memorial; and the said Register, may be perused at all reasonable Times by any Grantee or Assignee of any Right conveyed in any such Grant, upon Payment of the prescribed Sum, or if no Sum be prescribed the Sum of One Shilling, to the Clerk of the Company.

XLIVRights of Burial, &c. to be assign able, or may be bequeathed by Will.

The exclusive Right of Burial & any such Place of Burial shall, whether granted in perpetuity or for a limited Time, be considered as the Personal Estate of the Grantee, and may be assigned in his Lifetime or bequeathed by his Will.

XLVForm of Assignment.

Every such Assignment made in the Lifetime of the Assignor shall be by; Deed duly stamped, in which the Consideration shall be duly set forth, and may; be in the Form in the Schedule to this Act annexed, or to the like Effect.

XLVIAssignments to be registered.

Every such Assignment shall, within Six Months after the Execution thereof, if executed Great Britain or Ireland, or within Six Months after the Arrival thereof in Great Britain or Ireland, if executed elsewhere, be produced to the Clerk of the Company, and an Entry or Memorial of such Assignment shall be made in the Register by the Clerk of the Company, in the same Manner as that of the Original Grant; and until such Entry or Memorial no Right of Burial shall be acquired under any such Memorial; and for every such Entry Or Memorial the Clerk shall be entitled to demand such Sum as the Company think fit, not exceeding the prescribed Sum, or if no Sum be prescribed Two Shillings and Sixpence.

XLVIIProbates of Wills to be registered.

An Entry or Memorial of the Probate of every Will by which the exclusive Right of Burial within the Cemetery is bequeathed, and in case there be any specific Disposition of such exclusive Right of Burial in the said Will an Entry of such Disposition, shall, within Six Months after the Probate of such Will, be made in the said Register, in the same Manner as that of the original Grant, and until such Entry no Right of exclusive Burial shall be acquired under such Will; and for every such Entry or Memorial the Clerk of the Company shall be entitled to demand such Sum as the Company think fit, not exceeding the prescribed Sum, or if no Sum be prescribed Two Shillings and Sixpence.

XLVIIIVaults to be kept exclusively for Purchasers of exclusive Right.

No Body shall be buried in any Place wherein the exclusive Right of Burial shall have been granted by the Company, except with the Consent of the Owner for the Time being of such exclusive Right of Burial.

XLIXNo such Grant to give the Right of Burial in consecrated Ground to certain Persons.

No such Grant as aforesaid shall give the Right to bury within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery the Body of any Person not entitled to be buried in consecrated Ground according to the Rites and Usage of the Established Church, or to place any Monument, Gravestone, Tablet, or monumental Inscription respecting any such Body within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery.

LPower to remove Monuments improperly erected.

The Company may take down and remove any Gravestone, Monument, Tablet, or monumental Inscription which shall have been placed within the Cemetery without their Authority,

LIBishop to have Power to object to monumental Inscriptions in consecrated Part of Cemetery.

The Bishop of the Diocese in which the Cemetery is situated, and all Persons acting under his Authority, shall have the same Right and Power to object to the placing, and to and procure the Removal of any monumental Inscription within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery as he by Law has to object to or procure the Removal of any monumental Inscription in any Church or Chapel of the Established Church, or the Burial Ground belonging to such Church or Chapel, or any other consecrated Ground.

Payments to Incumbents of Parishes

And with respect to Payments to Incumbents of Parishes or Ecclesiastical Districts, and to Parish Clerks, be it enacted as follows:

LIIPayments to Incumbents of Parishes from which Bodies are brought.

The Company shall, on the Burial of every Body within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery, pay to the Incumbent for the Time being of the Parish or Ecclesiastical District from which such Body shall have been removed for Burial, such Sums, if any, as shall be prescribed for that Purpose in the special Act,

LIIICompany shall keep Account of Interments.

For ascertaining the Amount of the Payments, if any, to be made to the Incumbents of the several Parishes or Districts aforesaid, the Company shall cause Books to be kept, and Entries to be made therein of the Names of all Persons whose Bodies are buried within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery, and the Names of the Parishes or Districts from which such Bodies respectively have been removed, and the Manner of their Burial within the Cemetery (distinguishing whether in a Place of exclusive Burial or otherwise), with the Date of such Burial; and such Books shall be at all reasonable Times open to the Inspection of the Incumbents for the Time being of the said several Parishes or Districts, or any Person employed by them, without Pee or Reward.

LIVAccount of Payments due to Incumbents of Parishes to be rendered half-yearly.

The Company shall on the Twenty-fifth Day of March and Twenty-ninth Day of September in each Year, or within One Month after each of the said Days, deliver to the Person who is the Incumbent of any Parish or Ecclesiastical District on that Day, or to his Executors or Administrates, on Demand made within the said Month, an Account of the Sums, if any, payable in respect of Bodies removed for Burial within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery as aforesaid from such Parish or Ecclesiastical District during the Half Year next preceding the said Twenty-fifth Day of March -or Twenty-ninth Day of September, as the Case may be.

LVFees to be paid to Incumbents of Parishes half-yearly.

The Sums payable by virtue of the special Act shall be paid half-yearly on the Twenty-fifth Day of March and the Twenty-ninth Day of September, or within One Month afterwards, to the Persons who are the Incumbents of the Parishes or Ecclesiastical Districts in respect of which the same are payable on such Twenty-fifth Day of March and Twenty-ninth Day of September respectively, or the Executors or Administrators of such Incumbents ; (that is to say,) such Sums as accrue between the Twenty-ninth Day of September and the Twenty-fifth Day of March following shall be paid to the Person who is the Incumbent on the Twenty-fifth Day of March, -and such Sums as accrue between the Twenty-fifth Day of March and the Twenty-ninth Day of September following shall be paid to the Person who is the Incumbent on the Twenty-ninth Day of September ; and if any such Sums be not paid to the Party entitled to receive the same within the Period herein-before limited for the Payment thereof, such Party may recover the same, with full Costs, by Action of Debt or on the Case, in any Court having competent Jurisdiction.

LVIPayment to be made to the Incumbent for the Time being, who is to account with his Predecessor.

If any Incumbent of any Parish or District in respect of which Sums are payable by the Company by virtue of the special Act ceases to be Incumbent, by Cession, Death, or otherwise, between the said Two half-yearly Days of Payment, such Incumbent shall be entitled to receive so much of the Sum payable at the half-yearly Day which happens next after he ceases to be Incumbent as has accrued from the last preceding half-yearly Day, or from the Time when such Incumbent became first entitled to receive the Fruits of his Living, as the Case may require, up to the Day at which he ceased to be Incumbent, and the Incumbent of any Parish or District who receives from the Company any Sam to a Part of which any preceding Incumbent is entitled under the Provisions herein contained shall pay such Part to him, his Executors or Administrators, accordingly ; and "the Company shall not be answerable to any Person, other than the actual Incumbent for the Time being, for the Payment of any Sums by virtue of this or the special Act.

LVIICompany to pay Parish Clerks the Compensation mentioned.

The Company shall, on the Burial of every Body within the consecrated Part of the Cemetery, except where the Body is buried at the Expence of any Parish or Ecclesiastical District, or Union of Parishes for the Relief of the Poor, pay "to the Parish Clerk of the Parish or Ecclesiastical District from which such Body has been removed for Burial, if he held the Office of Parish Clerk of such Parish or Ecclesiastical District at the Time of the passing of the special Act, but not otherwise, such Sum, if any, as shall be prescribed for that Purpose in the special Act.

Protection of Cemetery

And with respect to the Protection of the Cemetery, be it enacted as follows:

LVIIIPenalty for damaging the Cemetery.

Every Person who shall wilfully destroy or injure any Building, Wall, or Fence belonging to the Cemetery, or destroy or injure any Tree or Plant therein, or who shall daub or disfigure any Wall thereof, or put up any Bill therein or on any Wall thereof, or wilfully destroy, injure, or deface any Monument, Tablet, Inscription, or Gravestone within the Cemetery, or do any other wilful Damage therein, shall forfeit to the Company for every such Offence a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.

LIXPenalty on Persons committing Nuisances in the Cemetery.

Every Person who shall play at any Game or Sport, or discharge Fire-arms, save at a Military Funeral, in the Cemetery, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully disturb any Persons assembled in the Cemetery for the Purpose of burying any Body therein, or who shall commit any Nuisance within the Cemetery, shall forfeit to the Company for every such Offence a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.

LXAnnual Account to be made up, and a Copy transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace, &c, and be open to Inspection.

And with respect to the Accounts to be kept by the Company, be it enacted, That the Company shall every Year cause an Account to be prepared, showing the total Receipt and Expenditure of all Monies levied by virtue of this or the special Act for the Year ending on the Thirty-first Day of December, or some other convenient Day in each Year, under the several distinct Heads of Receipt and Expenditure, with a Statement of the Balance of such Account, certified by the Chairman of the Company, and duly audited, and shall send a Copy of the said Account, free of Charge, to the Clerk of the Peace for the County in which the Cemetery is situated, on or before the Expiration of One Month from the Day on which such Accounts end, which last-mentioned Account shall be open to the Inspection of the Public at all reasonable Hours, on Payment of the Sum of One Shilling for every such Inspection; and if the Company omit to prepare or send such Account as aforesaid, they shall forfeit for every such Omission the Sum of Twenty Pounds.

LXITender of Amends.

And with respect to the Tender of Amends, be it enacted, That if any Person shall have committed any Irregularity, Trespass, or other wrongful Proceeding in the Execution of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, or by virtue of any Power or Authority thereby given, and if, before Action brought in respect thereof, such Party make Tender of sufficient Amends to the Party injured, such last-mentioned. Party shall not recover in any such Action; and if no such Tender have been made, the Defendant, by Leave of the Court where such Action is pending, may at any Time before Issue joined pay into Court such Sum of Money as he thinks fit, and thereupon such Proceedings shall be had as in other Cases where Defendants are allowed to pay Money into Court.

Recovery of Damages and Penalties

And with respect to the Recovery of Damages not specially provided for, and of Penalties, and to the Determination of any other Matter referred to Justices, be it enacted as follows :

LXII8 & 9 Vict. c.20 incorporated as to Damages, &c.

The Clauses of the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, with respect to the Recovery of Damages not specially provided for, and of Penalties, and to the Determination of any other Matter referred to Justices, shall be incorporated with this and the special Act; and such Clauses shall apply to the Cemetery and to the Company respectively.

LXIIIIn Ireland, Part of Penalty to be paid to Guardians of Unions.

Provided always, That in Ireland, in the Case of any Penalty imposed by Justices, where the Application is not otherwise provided for, such Justices may award not more than One Half of such Penalty to the Informer, and shall award the Remainder to the Guardians of the Poor of the Union within which the Offence shall have been committed, to be applied in aid of the Poor Rates of such Union.

LXIVAll Things required to-be done by Two Justices may, in certain Cases, be done by One.

All Things herein or in the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, authorized or required to be done by Two Justices, may and shall be done by any One Magistrate having by Law Authority to act alone for any Purpose with the Powers of Two or more Justices.

LXVPersons giving false Evidence liable to Penalties of Perjury.

Every Person who upon any Examination upon Oath, under the Provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, shall wilfully and corruptly give false Evidence, shall be liable to the Penalties of wilful and corrupt Perjury.

Access to special Act

And with respect to affording Access to the special Act, be it enacted as follows:

LXVICopies of special Act to be kept by Company at their Office, and deposited with the Clerk of the Peace, and be open to lnspection.

The Company shall, at all Times after the Expiration of Six Months after the passing of the special Act, keep in their principal Office of Business a Copy of the special Act, printed by the Printers to Her Majesty, or some of them, and shall also, within the Space of such Six Months, deposit in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace of the County in which the Cemetery is situated a Copy of such special Act so printed as aforesaid ; and the said Clerk of the Peace snail receive and he and the Company respectively shall keep the said Copies of the special Act, and shall allow all Persons interested therein to inspect the same, and make Extracts or Copies therefrom, in the like Manner, and upon the like Terms, and under the like Penalty for Default, as is provided in the Case of certain Plans and Sections by an [7 W. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 83.] Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act to compel Clerks of the Peace for Counties and other Persons to take the Custody of such Documents as shall be directed to be deposited with them under the Standing Orders of either House of Parliament.

LXVIIPenalty on Company failing to keep or deposit such Copies.

If the Company fail to keep or deposit any of the said Copies of the special Act as herein-before mentioned they shall forfeit: Twenty Pounds for every such Offence, and also Five Pounds for every Day afterwards during which such Copy shall be not so kept or deposited.

LXVIIICompany not exempt from Provisions of any future general Act.

And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to exempt the Company from any general Act relating to Burials in Towns or populous Places which may be passed in the same Session of Parliament in which the special Act is passed, or any future Session of Parliament,

LXIXAct may be amended, &c.

And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed, in this Session of Parliament.