Surveys and Plans

XVIICommissioners to cause Plans to be prepared of Alterations of new Works or Alterations of existing Works.

The Commissioners shall cause their Surveyor to prepare Plans of any new Works, and Additions to or Alterations of existing Works, that may be required for the effectual Drainage of the Houses and Streets within such District, including Provision for properly trapped Drains or Channels for the Removal Of all waste Water and Refuse from the Houses and from the Surface of the Streets, and also to draw On such Plans the Lines that appear to him most advantageous for Main Sewers, arid the best Outfalls for clearing the whole District of Surface Moisture, and effecting the Drainage of the Subsoil, and to point out the most appropriate Means and Sites for the Collection and Sale of Filth and Refuse for agricultural or other Purposes, and also to set forth any other Matters which may assist the Commissioners in carrying into execution, in an economical and effective Manner the several Works required to be carried into execution under the Provisions of this and the special Act, or which appear to be necessary for the Health and Convenience of the Inhabitants of such District.