

VIICommissioners to appoint, subject to Approval, a Surveyor.

The Commissioners shall appoint, subject to the prescribed Approval, or, where no Approval is prescribed, subject to Approval by One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, a Person, duly qualified, to act as a local Surveyor of the Paving, Drainage, and other Works authorized under the Provisions of this and the special Act, and of any Act to be incorporated therewith, and, with the like Approval, shall fix the Salary to be paid to such Surveyor, and shall pay such Salary out of the Rates levied under this or the special Act; and if any such Surveyor die, resign, or be removed, the Commissioners shall, with the like Approval, appoint another Person, so duly qualified, in the Room of the Surveyor so dying, resigning, or removed, and the Commissioners, with the like Approval, may remove any such Surveyor.