Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847

LXXXIVCommissioners to give Notice of new Levels or Sewers.

Twenty-eight Days at the least before fixing the Level of any Street which has not become a public Highway, or any Street which has not been theretofore levelled or paved, and before making any Sewer where none was before, or altering the Course or Level of or abandoning or stopping any Sewer, the Commissioners shall give Notice of their Intention by posting a printed or written Notice in a-conspicuous Place at each End of every such Street through or in which such Work is to be undertaken, which Notice shall set forth the Name or Situation of the Street intended to be levelled or paved, and the Names of the Places through or near which it is intended that the new Sewer shall pass, or the existing Sewer be altered or stopped up, and also the Places of the beginning and the End thereof, and shall refer to Plans of such intended Work, and shall specify a Place where such Plans may be seen, and a Time when and Place where all Persons interested in such intended Work may be heard thereupon; and they shall at the same Time give to the Inspector Notice of the said intended Work, and of the Time and Place appointed for hearing Objections thereto.