Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847

LXXVRuinous or dangerous Buildings to be taken down or secured by Owners, &c. If Owner, &c. neglect to repair, Commissioners may cause the same to be done, charging Owner, &c. with the Expences.

If any Building or Wall, or any Thing affixed thereon, within the Limits of the special Act, be deemed by the Surveyor of the Commissioners to be in a ruinous State, and dangerous to Passengers or to the Occupiers of the neighbouring Buildings, such Surveyor shall immediately cause a proper Hoard or Fence to be put up for the Protection of Passengers, and shall cause Notice in Writing to be given to the Owner of such Building or Wall, if he be known and resident within the said Limits, and shall also Cause such Notice to be put on the Door or other conspicuous Part of the said Premises, or otherwise to be given to the Occupier thereof, if any, requiring such Owner or Occupier forthwith to take down, secure, or repair such Building, Wall, or other Thing, as the Case shall require ; and if such Owner or Occupier do riot begin to repair, take down, or secure such Building, Wall, Or other Thing within the Space of Three Days after any such Notice has been so given or put up as aforesaid, and complete such Repairs, or taking down or securing, as speedily as the Nature of the Case will admit, the said Surveyor may make Complaint thereof before Two Justices, and it shall be lawful for such Justices to order the Owner, or in his Default the Occupier (if any), of such Building, Wall, or other Thing, to take down, rebuild, repair, or otherwise secure, to the Satisfaction of such Surveyor, the same, or such Part thereof as appears to them to be in a dangerous State within a Time to be fixed by such Justices; and in case the same be pot taken down, repaired, rebuilt, or otherwise secured Within the Time so limited; or if no Owner or Occupier can be found on whom to Serve such Order, the Commissioners shall with all convenient Speed cause all or So much of such Building, Wall, or other Thing as shall be in a ruinous Condition, and dangerous as aforesaid, to be 4aken down, repaired, rebuilt, or otherwise secured in such Manner as shall be requisite ; and all the Expences of putting up every such Fence, and of taking down, repairing, rebuilding, or Securing such Building, Wall, or other Thing, shall be paid by the Owner thereof.