

LIIIWhere public Streets have not heretofore been paved, Commissioners may cause them to be paved, at the Expence of the Occupiers of adjoining Lands.

If any Street, although a public Highway at the passing of the special Act, have not theretofore been well and sufficiently paved and flagged or otherwise made good, the Commissioners may cause such Street, or the Parts thereof not so paved and flagged or otherwise made good, to be paved and flagged or otherwise made good, in such Manner as they think fit, and the Expences incurred by the Commissioners in respect thereof shall be repaid to them by the Occupiers of the Lands abutting on such Street, or such Parts thereof as have not been theretofore well and sufficiently paved and flagged or otherwise made good, and such Expences shall be recoverable from such Occupiers respectively as herein-after provided with respect to private Improvement Expences, and thereafter such Street shall be repaired by the Commissioners out of the Rates levied under this or the special Act.