
Special Order

CXXXIXRecovery of Charges for the Use of Baths, &c.

For the Recovery of the Charges at such Wash-houses and Drying Grounds the Officers, Servants, and others having the Management thereof may, at the Period of using the same, or at any subsequent Time detain the Clothes or other Goods and Chattels in or upon any such Wash-house or Drying Ground of any Person-refusing to pay the Charge to which such Person may be liable, or any Part thereof, till full Payment thereof be made; and in Case such Payment be not made within Seven Days, the Commissioners may sell such Clothes, Goods and Chattels, or any of them, returning the surplus Proceeds of such Sale, after deducting the unpaid Charge, and the Expences of such Detention and Sale, and the unsold Articles, if any, on Demand, to such Person.