
Special Order

CXXXIIIFinal Resolution not to be carried into effect for One Month, nor then if a Majority of the Ratepayers remonstrate against the same.

Provided always, That after any Resolution has been confirmed in a subsequent Meeting as aforesaid the Commissioners shall not proceed to carry the same into effect until after the Expiration of One Month from the Date of such Second Meeting, and during such Month such Resolution shall be advertised once at least in each Week in some Newspaper circulating within the Limits of the special Act and public Notice thereof shall also be given by means of Placards posted in public Places within the said. Limits, and Reference shall in such Advertisement and Notice be made to some Place provided by the Commissioners where the Plan or Particulars of the Work or Matter to which such Resolution relates may be gratuitously seen by the Rate-payers; and if before the Expiration of such Month a Remonstrance in Writing against carrying into effect such Resolution, or any Part thereof, signed by a Majority of the Rate-payers having Votes in the Election of the Commissioners (such Majority being computed with reference to the Number of Votes to which in such Election each Rate-payer is entitled under the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith), be presented to the Commissioners,' such Resolution, or such Part thereof as such Remonstrance applies to, shall not be carried into effect, and where any such Remonstrance applies to Part only of any such Resolution, the Commissioners may either carry into effect the remainder of such Resolution, or rescind the same, as they think fit.