Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847

CVIIIFireplaces of Factories &c. to consume their own Smoke.

Every Fireplace or Furnace constructed after the passing of the special Act, in order to be used within the Limits of such Act in the working of Engines by Steam, or in any Mill, Factory, Dyehouse, Brewery, Bakehouse, Gaswork, or in any Manufactory whatsoever, (although a Steam Engine be not used or employed therein,) shall be so constructed as to consume the Smoke arising from the Combustibles used in such Fireplace or Furnace; and every such Fireplace or Furnace existing within the said Limits at the Date of the passing of the special Act, used for the Purposes aforesaid, not so constructed as to consume the Smoke arising from such Fireplace or Furnace, shall within the prescribed Period, or if no Period be prescribed, then within Two Years after the passing of the special Act, be so altered in its Construction as to consume such Smoke ; and if after such Period any Person use for any of the Purposes-aforesaid any Fireplace or Furnace not so constructed as aforesaid, or if at any Time any Person use any such Fireplace or Furnace constructed after the passing of the special Act, and not so constructed as aforesaid or so negligently use any such Fireplace or Furnace as no to be consume the Smoke arising from the Combustibles used therein, every Person so offending shall be liable to a Penalty of Forty Shilling, for every Day during any Part of which such Furnace or Fireplace shall be so. used r and continued after one Month's Notice in Writing shall have been given to the Owner or Occupier of such Furnace or Fireplace by the Commissioners to remedy or discontinue the Use of the same.