Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847

CIIHouses to be whitewashed and purified, on Certificate of Officer of Health, &c.

If at any Time the Officer of Health, or, if for the Time being there be no Officer of Health, any Two Surgeons or Physicians, or One Surgeon and One Physician, residing within the said Limits, certify under his or their Hands to the Commissioners, that any House or Part of any House or Building: within the, Limits of the special Act is in such a filthy or unwholesome Condition that the Health of the Inmates or of the Neighbours -is thereby, affected or endangered, or that the whitewashing, cleansing, or purifying of any House or Building or any Part thereof would tend to prevent or check infectious or contagious Disease therein, or that any Drain, Privy, or Cesspool is in such a defective State that the Health of the Neighbours is thereby affected or endangered, the Commissioners shall order the Occupier of such House or Part thereof to whitewash, cleanse, and purify the same, and the Owner of such Drain, Privy, or Cesspool to amend the Condition thereof, in such Manner and within such Time as the Commissioners deem reasonable; and if such Occupier or Owner do not comply with such Order he shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Ten Shillings for every Day's Neglect thereof; and in such Case the Commissioners may cause such House or any Part thereof to be whitewashed, cleansed, and purified, or the Condition of such Drain, Privy, or Cesspool to be amended, and may recover the Expence thereof from such Occupier or Owner in the same Manner as Damages.