
SCHEDULE to which this Act refers

Extract from the Will of the late Colonel John Drouly

I DIRECT that the said Alexander Fraser, George Ridge senior, and George Ridge junior, and John Ridge, my said Trustees, and the Survivor of them, his Executors or Administrators, do and shall transfer into the Name of the Secretary at War and Paymaster General for the Time being the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Bank Annuities, upon Trust to be by them applied in Payment of the Annuities or yearly Sums herein-after mentioned; videlicet, to the Widows of Officers in the Army who shall be killed or die in the Service, and whose yearly Income shall not exceed the Sum of Thirty Pounds exclusive of their annual Pensions; (that is to say,) to the Widows of Five Captains the Sum of Twenty-five Pounds each per Annum, to the Widows of Five Lieutenants the Sum of Twenty Pounds per Annum each, and to the Widows of Five Cornets or Ensigns the Sum of Fifteen Pounds per Annum each; the Nominations to be made by the Secretary at War and the Paymaster General for the Time being, subject to His Majesty's Approbation.

Extract from a Codicil to the Will of the said Colonel John Drouly

NOW my Intention and Meaning is, that the Widows of such Officers as are killed upon Service shall upon all Occasions have Preference; and that in making a Selection of proper Objects the Secretary at War and Paymaster General will always keep in view that such Widows as have most Children born in Wedlock are to be preferred to those of the same Description who have fewer in Number.