
XXIVCommissioners to make an Award.

And be it enacted, That the Commissioners hereby appointed shall, within Three Years from the passing of this Act, by their Award in Writing under their Hands, ascertain what Persons; whether as Free Miners or as claiming through or under Free Miners, or as Lessees of Free Miners, were at the passing of this Act in possession of or entitled to Gales for Coal or Iron Mines within the said Hundred, or Stone Quarries within the said Forest, or of any Pits, Levels, or other Works made by virtue of Gales, for the Purpose of working the Coal and Iron Mines of the said Hundred, or of any Estate or Interest therein, and shall cause a Plan or Plans to be made, upon which the Situation of the said Gales, Pits, Levels, Works, and Quarries shall be delineated, so far as the same can be conveniently ascertained, or in such Manner as may point out the general Situation of such Gales, Pits, Levels, Works, and Quarries ; and the said Commissioners shall make a Schedule or Description of the said several Gales, Pits, Levels, Works, and Quarries to accompany the said Plan or Plans, and which shall specify the Mode in which the same shall be worked, so far as the same can be ascertained, and shall ascertain and determine the Extent to which such Gales, Pits, Levels, Works, and Quarries may be continued and worked, and shall in and by their said Award set forth general Rules, Orders, and Regulations under and subject to which the said Mines, Minerals, and Quarries shall be worked and gotten, and shall in like Manner ascertain and determine who were at the passing of this Act in possession of Licences to erect Buildings and Machinery on the Soil of the said Forest for the Purpose of facilitating the working; the said Coal and Iron Mines, and shall make a Schedule or Description of the same, specifying the Time when such Licences were granted, and the Term for which they were granted, and the annual Rents or other Payments thereby made payable to or for the Use of Her Majesty for or in respect of such Licences respectively.